Friday, April 10, 2009

Hadley and Buddy

So my mom has always had a theory about babies and horses. She has said with all six of her kids that she has put on a horse as early six months they either cried when you put them on or cried when you take them off and pretty much kept the same enthusiasm or lack their of from there on out. With that said i was quite interested in how hadley would react to her first horseback ride. Deep down hoping she would love it and also fearing she would hate it. .....that girl couldn't stop giggling and the faster i would have buddy go the more she loved it. One of the funnest things to see her do so far!


BECKY said...

That was the cutest thing to watch! I loved it... She is so stinkin' adorable! And thanks for making our stay so nice... you guys are the best! My mom has your email address and I need to get it from her so I can invite you to our blog. Talk to you soon!

Alisa said...

She is so cute and you look so good Krystal! We should get together for a little play date soon!

Karen said...

Krystal watching you and Hadley was so totally seeing my life come full circle ---- not sure you or anyone could understand it----- it was like "passing of the torch" maybe thats the best way to discribe it----it filled my heart with such a giggle to watch the releif on your face that Hadley was truly loving every minute in the saddle with her mommy---been there and loved that!! 300 mom