Friday, March 6, 2009

Best Invention Ever

This could be one of the wierdest things you will ever expierience in your entire life but i promise you that if you do it, and you do it right it will change your life. You can now say good-bye to Allergies, sinus Pressure, or just plain ol Flem. I have tried time and time again to get jason to try it but he can't quite seem to get the motion down which is quite entertaining to watch him try and really isn't that hard to do if you just don't think to much about it. Hopefully this link will work and you can see exactly what i am talking about. But really it will change your life. any questions just ask. I promise you won 't regret it. Best $20 of my life. click on the link below and it will explain everything. (hopefully it works) I'm still not very good at this blogging thing.


Jen said...

Gross, I don't think i could handle that. I'm glad it's working for ya though:)

The Blakes said...

Dude, I have been wanting to try this... My nursing school teacher told me about it. It really does work for you? I am scared that I'll breath it in and it will have that ocean up the nose effect...SCARY.

Hiatt Family said...

Lincoln totally uses that when he has a cold. It's actually not that brand, but it is exactly like it. I haven't gotten up the nerve to do it yet.

The Gardners said...

Hi Krystal! It's Lia, Zach's old friend. Random, huh :) I've been wanting to get in touch with your cousin Becky and was wondering if you had her email address or number. Just let me know: PS. My brother-in-law is a DR and swears by the Netty Pot!

Mrs. Allens Class said...

Ha ha is this for real? Like people really use it and it really works????