Friday, February 27, 2009

Tribute to Stoney

Warning: long post. Read with caution.

Sometimes i wonder if having pets is actually worth the pain of losing them. You know your not going to outlive them and there is going to come a time when you have to say goodbye. And man have i had my shares goodbyes in my life. People who have never had a pet they have been close to probably just think its crazy that i would get so attached but i have always just loved animals and so many have helped me get through some pretty tough times.

I just found out today that my brother bricks dog Stoney has some type of cancer and they will have to put him down in the next couple days. I know, its not even my dog right. But this dog was pretty special. After my brother was stabbed in his home they came to live with us while he continued to recover. Someone at his work gave him this dog that is know for its loyalty and the breed is from Africa where the royal families have them to protect them from intruders such and people or even lions. You could even say this breed is very lion like. They are huge! and when they get in there protective mode the hair on there back stands staight up just like a lions would. Well even tho this dog was the sweetest dog and never hurt a fly i cant tell you how many times after bricks incident i would let him in the house at night when i couldn't sleep or was scared and he would just make me feel all better just knowing he was there. Weird i know. But this dog really was huge. and they say that the best security system someone can have is a dog. This dogs was given to brick for one purpose. To bring comfort and protection and he definatly did that during the most nesissary and needed time. I'm greatful for the people who gave brick stoney. and am grateful for him as he got a lot of people through a dark and scary time of life.


Malinda said...

Thank you Krystal that was very sweet. I never have been an animal lover and honestly I knew that this day would come also. But i didn't realize how much it would affect me. I can't even think about what it is going to be like with out him and I can't imagine how rockwell and tyler are going to handle it. Love you!

Devin & Ruthann said...

Oh that's so sad he has cancer! Dogs are sweet and totally think Heavenly Father put them on Earth to be man's best friend!

Jen said...

He is such a pretty dog, I'm so sorry:(

Karen said...

Krystal thank you for the sweet memories. Stoney clearly got our family through some tough and scary times. When Brick and Malinda moved into their home after the stabbing Stoney helped them to move forward with their lives, by helping them feel safe and protected. It was a great comfort to your dad and I knowing Stoney was with them, watching over them as they continued to put their lives back to normal. Stoney will always have a special place in all our hearts because he was proof that a loving Heavenly Father knew exactly what we all needed to help us get through one of the hardest times in our family. If you ever saw Stoney in "protection mode" you knew he would take a bullet for you without a second thought. Stoney has played a big part in the healing process for our family. Stoney has truly been loved by us all. 300 to you Stoney. Mom

Hiatt Family said...

Oh I am so sorry! I love animals too. My dogs help me so much right now, and I wouldn't have ever understood that unless I was in this situation. They are just the best companions and can bring so much comfort and love. I know Stoney helped your family a lot more than I'll ever know.

Shalyce Narducci said...

Oh I love Stoney! What a special dog he was.